Weekly Announcements - 12 Sept 09
Carrie Lofty is holding a new contest, which comes to an end on Friday, Sept. 18. You can read here how to enter to win a $25 gift card to the book retailer of your choice, PLUS an official ARC of SCOUNDREL'S KISS, her January 2010 release.
Carrie will also be presenting her online workshop "Snakebite Scenes and Hollywood Plots: Writing Action with Heart" between Oct 5-30. Read more about it here, and sign up through CORW RWA.
Michelle Styles was featured in the British newspaper The Guardian this past week in an article about Mills & Boon--and how difficult M&B novels are to write!
Michelle also received the cover for her December release THE VIKING'S CAPTIVE PRINCESS, which is now available for pre-order. Congratulations! It's beautiful!
Blythe Gifford is still going strong on her "Blog Till You Drop" tour to celebrate the release of IN THE MASTER'S BED. Her next two stops are Ingela Hyatt's blog on Sept 14 and Seduced by History on Sept 15. Who knows...there might be giveaway!
Margaret Mallory's KNIGHT OF DESIRE was voted Best Book of the Week at Long and Short Reviews. It also received a "You Gotta Read" rating from You Gotta Read Reviews. Congratulations, Margaret!
Join us tomorrow when author Jean Adams will be here to talk about ETERNAL HEARTS, a time travel set in ancient Egypt!
We'll also draw the winner of Maureen Lang's beautiful World War I romance, LOOK TO THE EAST. You still have time to throw your name in the hat, if you haven't done so.
And stay with us through the coming weeks when we'll be featuring the best unusual historical authors! Leanna Renee Hieber, Michelle Beattie, Michelle Willingham, and Kimberley Killion will be our guests. We hope you'll join us!
Have a good weekend! If you have an announcement to make for next week, email Carrie. See you next week...
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