12 January 2007

New Girl on the Block

Until we get Anna set up with blogger, here is her introduction:

Can you stand another new blogger intro? My name is Anna, and am crazy in love with historical romance. When a was a wee little princess, my father once accused me of having "more Cinderellas than Cinderella" in my bookcase, so that's a good indication of where I was primed from the start. I read my first historical, Bertrice Small's The Kadin when I was eleven, and in the mumblemumblecough years since, I've never looked back.

My favorite eras are neatly sandwiched between the Wars of the Roses and the American Revolution, though I can also enjoy a good ancient, medieval or Edwardian setting. Pirates, privateers and other seafarers where I can find them. I do tend to like trotting my characters across the globe when I have the chance. I love strong heroes with equally strong heroines, well earned happily-ever-afters, and historical settings that take the reader to another world.

I've always thought romance and the panorama of history go hand in hand. I've written romances set in colonial New York, Edwardian England and Italy, sixteenth century Cornwall (with a Spanish hero) and dropped a Manx heroine in the vicinity of Charles II's Dutch exile. Finding this blog feels like coming home, and I look forward to lots of lively discussion.

Anna C. Bowling