Our guest for Sunday Promos this week is our long-time contributor Delia DeLeest. Her newest book from The Wild Rose Press is called Eye of the Beholder, set in the aftermath of WWI.
Tell us a little about your life.
I've lived on the big island of Hawaii for the last couple years. After spending our entire lives in the Midwest, my husband and I decided we'd had enough of Wisconsin winters, packed up the family and headed to paradise. I now live less than a half mile from the beach with my husband, four kids, two cats and a dog. My home isn't a quiet place. :D
What genre is your favorite to write? Is this also your favorite to read?
I love writing early twentieth century, especially the 1920s. It's such a perfect time period for me to write in, historical yet with enough modern conveniences to not cramp my style. At this time, I find very little written during the twenties, but when I do, I devour it excitedly. I also enjoy romantic comedies set in any time period, including paranormals.
When did you start writing?
When my youngest child started kindergarten four years ago, I realized I had a lot of time on my hands. I could either clean house, or write. Writing won.
How does your family feel about your writing?
My husband is my biggest cheerleader. He comes home from work and always asks what I've written that day. The house could be a pigsty and the laundry undone, but as long as I've got something written he's good with it. I love that about him! My kids are so used to me living in my characters lives they think nothing of it anymore.
How long did it take to sell your first book? How did it feel?
I sold It Takes Moxie in the spring of 2007 after starting writing in late 2004. I was helping out at my husband's office when I opened the e-mail offering my a contract. When I started jumping around squealing, everyone there guessed what had happened and started congratulating me. My husband and I went out to dinner to celebrate and he was telling everyone at the restaurant I was going to be published. We did the same thing last week when I got the first print copies of It Takes Moxie in the mail. He sold a book to one of the restaurant patrons while we were there. I think I'm going to make him my publicist.
What does your work area look like?
When I was a kid, my dad called me a rock-a-billy because I was always rocking in a rocking chair. I still put many miles on my chair, I can't think unless I'm rocking back and forth. So, instead of a desk, I do all my writing while rocking a million miles a minute in my rocking chair. I keep a small tv tray next to my chair to hold any reference books I may need along with a bag of potato chips for sustenance.
If you could write a story about your life, what would the title be?
Living On the Edge of Insanity. I think that sums up my view on life - sucky things are going to happen in life, you might as well learn to laugh at it.
Prize Draw: Leave a comment and you're in with a chance to receive one of two great books: a e-book version of Eye of the Beholder or a print copy of Delia's first release, It Takes Moxie. The winners will be chosen at random next Sunday. Be sure to check back next week to find out who has won!

A marriage of convenience isn't what Adeline Pierce had in mind for her life, especially since she was practically engaged to the man of her dreams. But, time is running out for her critically ill brother, who needs to move to a warm dry climate or face certain death. A move of that magnitude requires a lot of money--money her family doesn't have. When Will Denning, a man physically and emotionally scarred from his time in the trenches during World War I, offers her family the money they need in exchange for her hand in marriage, she feels she has no other option. Learning to love Will is hard enough, but it's made even more difficult by the fact that her former love is determined to do whatever it takes to drive them apart, including murder.***
Tell us a little about your life.
I've lived on the big island of Hawaii for the last couple years. After spending our entire lives in the Midwest, my husband and I decided we'd had enough of Wisconsin winters, packed up the family and headed to paradise. I now live less than a half mile from the beach with my husband, four kids, two cats and a dog. My home isn't a quiet place. :D
What genre is your favorite to write? Is this also your favorite to read?
I love writing early twentieth century, especially the 1920s. It's such a perfect time period for me to write in, historical yet with enough modern conveniences to not cramp my style. At this time, I find very little written during the twenties, but when I do, I devour it excitedly. I also enjoy romantic comedies set in any time period, including paranormals.
When did you start writing?
When my youngest child started kindergarten four years ago, I realized I had a lot of time on my hands. I could either clean house, or write. Writing won.
How does your family feel about your writing?
My husband is my biggest cheerleader. He comes home from work and always asks what I've written that day. The house could be a pigsty and the laundry undone, but as long as I've got something written he's good with it. I love that about him! My kids are so used to me living in my characters lives they think nothing of it anymore.
How long did it take to sell your first book? How did it feel?

What does your work area look like?
When I was a kid, my dad called me a rock-a-billy because I was always rocking in a rocking chair. I still put many miles on my chair, I can't think unless I'm rocking back and forth. So, instead of a desk, I do all my writing while rocking a million miles a minute in my rocking chair. I keep a small tv tray next to my chair to hold any reference books I may need along with a bag of potato chips for sustenance.
If you could write a story about your life, what would the title be?
Living On the Edge of Insanity. I think that sums up my view on life - sucky things are going to happen in life, you might as well learn to laugh at it.
Prize Draw: Leave a comment and you're in with a chance to receive one of two great books: a e-book version of Eye of the Beholder or a print copy of Delia's first release, It Takes Moxie. The winners will be chosen at random next Sunday. Be sure to check back next week to find out who has won!