Erastes has received a passel of good reviews, this first about Standish:
Erastes has also made another sale, this time to Perseus Books. Transgressions, a gay English Civil War romance, will be published in Spring 2009. Congratulations!
Morag McKendrick Pippin has used her Hawaiian home to her advantage, landing a part as an extra in the "Lost" movie. But the part does come with a 5am start time...
Join us Sunday when Jacquie Rogers will be discussing Faery Special Romances, and giving away a free copy and some other lovely goodies!
To celebrate the release of Bonnie Vanak's newest Dorchester Egyptian historical, The Scorpion and the Seducer, we'll be drawing the winner of The Falcon and the Dove signed by cover model John DeSalvo. You have until Sunday morning to leave a comment or ask a question for your chance to win!
Have a good weekend. If you have an announcement to make for next week, email Carrie. See you next week...
Erastes thrusts us back into post-Napoleonic Europe in STANDISH, with vivid scenic descriptions and lively period language. He has created a story that readers will enjoy not just because of his style of writing, which is fabulous all onto itself, but because of the lessons learned by two incredibly written characters. This is a story to be read and embraced. ~ Literary Nymphs ReviewsThis one is about the anthology Night Moves:
The authors of NIGHT MOVES have brought us four fantastic stories about vampires. While each story presents characters with an allure that keeps readers begging for more; the similarities will end there. ...There is no weak link in this anthology. ~ Literary Nymphs ReviewsAnd finally, a review for her short story in the anthology J is for Jealousy:
In "Fire and Ice" the inimitable Erastes tells a torrid tale of homosexual passion. Erastes writes erotica like Oscar Wilde with an erection: mingling wit and wisdom with the power to engage and excite. Regardless of a reader's sex or sexuality, "Fire and Ice" should be received as an outstanding story, well told, and unarguably erotic. It will warm and cool in equal measures. ~ Ashley Lister of Erotica Readers***
Erastes has also made another sale, this time to Perseus Books. Transgressions, a gay English Civil War romance, will be published in Spring 2009. Congratulations!

Join us Sunday when Jacquie Rogers will be discussing Faery Special Romances, and giving away a free copy and some other lovely goodies!
Have a good weekend. If you have an announcement to make for next week, email Carrie. See you next week...