Good Sunday to you! This week we welcome Tracy L. Ranson to celebrate the release of her novel PIRATES OF THE MIST, available now from BookStrand Publishing.
What inspires you to write?
Everything inspires me to write. The feeling of being alive is what prompts me to pour my feelings and thoughts into a book.
Where do you come up with your stories?
Sometimes, I come up with the title first or perhaps a bit of the plot then I construct the entire story around that particular tidbit. It's a process that takes time.
What was your favorite novel to write and why?
I will have to say Pirates of the Mist was my favorite. I got the idea many years ago after seeing the movie, The Fog. I swore to myself then (keep in mind, I was about ten years old) that if I ever got good enough to write a book, I'd use this plot. So I did.
What is a typical day like for you?
My day typically starts at around 6 am. I get myself ready and take care of all the pets. Then it's off to my dreaded day job. When I get home, I try to fix a bit of dinner then I settle down to writing.
What are your favorite hobbies?
Knitting, painting, sewing, cross stitch, needlepoint, crocheting, and just about anything else I can lay my mitts on.
How do you unwind and relax?
Knitting is my favorite passion right now. After I get done writing, I'll sit and watch a bit of TV and knit like an insane person.
The Caribbean, 1720
"'Ere, now what do we have?"
The cockney voice pierced her dreams, bringing her back to reality. Michaela opened her eyes, blinking hard. The first thing she saw was a length of scarred wooden planking underneath her cheek. Where was she?
Michaela turned her head to see the bright sun shining against the pale azure of the cloudless sky. Distantly, she heard the sound of water splashing against wood as the vessel rocked beneath her. What sort of dream was this?
She looked to her left and felt real terror surged through her. She was on some sort of old-fashioned ship outfitted with sails and rigging. Men, in various stages of dress, stood staring at her from the mid deck with lecherous eyes. What in the hell was going on? She scrambled to the safest corner of the quarterdeck. If there was ever a time to wake up, it was now!
"'Ere, now love, there's a no bein shy," said an older man, his frizzy gray hair flying out all around his head. "We ain gonna hurt ye."
"This is all a dream," she whispered quietly to herself, willing the dream to go away. "I've got to wake up."
"Ye are awake, my lady." Her captor entered her haven of the quarterdeck with his wicked looking cutlass drawn and pointed at her chest. "Now, tell us how you got on our ship."
"This is a dream." Splinters of the wooden side dug into the flesh of her back as she pushed herself harder against the side. "I'm going to wake up any time now."
"The only thing you gonna do is see the captain, missy," the old man snapped. "If'n he's in a good mood, he may not make ye walk the plank."
"Who is your captain?" she asked, trying to go along with the dream. Maybe, just maybe, it might help her to wake up.
"That would be me," issued a male voice from behind the old man. She heard his bootheels hit the quarterdeck and walked around her captor. Fear nipped at her very bones. What sort of man was their captain?
A throng of bodies parted and allowed him to come into full view. She held her breath as her heart thumped hard in her chest. "You're Captain Tristan Hamilton." She swallowed the lump growing in her throat and looked away. "Now I know this is a dream."
"Who are you and how did you get on my ship?" he boomed, his hands going to his linen breech clad hips.
She couldn't think for a minute because he was too utterly handsome for his own good. Auburn hair, streaked golden by the sun, was long and held back by a brown leather thong. Loose fitting linen wrapped around his muscular upper torso, vaguely reminding her of the pirates on some of the romance novels she'd read.
Her gaze dropped lower. His breeches, snug enough to outline his powerful thighs, tapered down into his black boots rising over his knees.
"You still haven't answered my question, woman," he demanded as his stare swept over her. "What are you doing on my ship dressed so strangely?"
"This is just a dream," she answered. "You were born out of my fantasy."
Captain Hamilton continued to stare at her, his dark eyes conveying his rage. "This is no dream. You are aboard my ship, uninvited." He stormed toward her and grabbed her wrist, dragging her to her feet. "Who brought you here?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," she snapped, wrenching her wrist free of his grip. "You're in my dream so back off, buster."
A look of stunned surprise crossed his face. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner!" He towered over her with his handsome face twisted into a menacing scowl. "I should throw you overboard."
She crossed her arms in front of her. No dream figment was going to intimidate her. "Go ahead, you weasel. I'm not frightened of you."
Hushed gasps echoed through the crowd as his face turned to dark mask of fury. "So you are not afraid," he said in a low, sharp tone. "Let me see if I can make you afraid."
5 Stars: "I was enthralled from page one and finished Pirates of the Mist in one sitting." --Debra Gaynor, Review Your Book
5 Stars: "...a rollicking joy ride of a story, filled with action, deception, sea battles, love, lust, a hot hero, feisty heroine, and did I mention sex? --Susiq2, Ecataromance
Reviewer Top Pick/4.75 Hearts: "The author crosses the t's and dots the i's awarding us with an intelligent and intriguing time-travel novel." --Dee, Night Owl Romance
4 Angels: "Pirates of the Mist is a terrific time travel story that romance readers will enjoy!" --Susan T, Fallen Angel Reviews
4 Hearts: "A stimulating battle of wills where it is hard to tell if they are going to fight or make love and where many times these encounters end in a combination of the two. For adventure and romance, Pirates of the Mist is a story sure to thrill its readers." --Anita, The Romance Studio
Thanks, Tracy!
Would you like the chance to win a copy of Pirates of the Mist? Of course you would! Just drop us a comment, maybe telling us what appeals to you about pirate stories--the men, the adventure, the new lands? A winner will be drawn next Sunday. Good luck!

Old legends told a tale of a pirate curse placed on the town of Mystic Harbor, death to anyone on the beach the night of the anniversary of the pirate Tristan Hamilton's death. The fog, thick and white, rolls in from the sea at midnight. Michaela tries to outrun it, but it was too quick for her. When she awakens, she finds more than she bargained for aboard Tristan Hamilton's ship.***
Tristan Hamilton, a legendary pirate, doesn't know what to make of the strange lass aboard his ship. Where did she come from?
Through dangerous waters and pirates, Tristan and Michaela form a deep and passionate love that would stand the test of time. Looming over them, besides the dangers that threaten their love, is Michaela's knowledge of his history and future. Will she let history take its course or alter it and risk a possible paradox in her own time?
What inspires you to write?
Everything inspires me to write. The feeling of being alive is what prompts me to pour my feelings and thoughts into a book.
Where do you come up with your stories?
Sometimes, I come up with the title first or perhaps a bit of the plot then I construct the entire story around that particular tidbit. It's a process that takes time.
What was your favorite novel to write and why?
I will have to say Pirates of the Mist was my favorite. I got the idea many years ago after seeing the movie, The Fog. I swore to myself then (keep in mind, I was about ten years old) that if I ever got good enough to write a book, I'd use this plot. So I did.
What is a typical day like for you?
My day typically starts at around 6 am. I get myself ready and take care of all the pets. Then it's off to my dreaded day job. When I get home, I try to fix a bit of dinner then I settle down to writing.
What are your favorite hobbies?
Knitting, painting, sewing, cross stitch, needlepoint, crocheting, and just about anything else I can lay my mitts on.
How do you unwind and relax?
Knitting is my favorite passion right now. After I get done writing, I'll sit and watch a bit of TV and knit like an insane person.
The Caribbean, 1720
"'Ere, now what do we have?"
The cockney voice pierced her dreams, bringing her back to reality. Michaela opened her eyes, blinking hard. The first thing she saw was a length of scarred wooden planking underneath her cheek. Where was she?
Michaela turned her head to see the bright sun shining against the pale azure of the cloudless sky. Distantly, she heard the sound of water splashing against wood as the vessel rocked beneath her. What sort of dream was this?
She looked to her left and felt real terror surged through her. She was on some sort of old-fashioned ship outfitted with sails and rigging. Men, in various stages of dress, stood staring at her from the mid deck with lecherous eyes. What in the hell was going on? She scrambled to the safest corner of the quarterdeck. If there was ever a time to wake up, it was now!
"'Ere, now love, there's a no bein shy," said an older man, his frizzy gray hair flying out all around his head. "We ain gonna hurt ye."
"This is all a dream," she whispered quietly to herself, willing the dream to go away. "I've got to wake up."
"Ye are awake, my lady." Her captor entered her haven of the quarterdeck with his wicked looking cutlass drawn and pointed at her chest. "Now, tell us how you got on our ship."
"This is a dream." Splinters of the wooden side dug into the flesh of her back as she pushed herself harder against the side. "I'm going to wake up any time now."
"The only thing you gonna do is see the captain, missy," the old man snapped. "If'n he's in a good mood, he may not make ye walk the plank."
"Who is your captain?" she asked, trying to go along with the dream. Maybe, just maybe, it might help her to wake up.
"That would be me," issued a male voice from behind the old man. She heard his bootheels hit the quarterdeck and walked around her captor. Fear nipped at her very bones. What sort of man was their captain?
A throng of bodies parted and allowed him to come into full view. She held her breath as her heart thumped hard in her chest. "You're Captain Tristan Hamilton." She swallowed the lump growing in her throat and looked away. "Now I know this is a dream."
"Who are you and how did you get on my ship?" he boomed, his hands going to his linen breech clad hips.
She couldn't think for a minute because he was too utterly handsome for his own good. Auburn hair, streaked golden by the sun, was long and held back by a brown leather thong. Loose fitting linen wrapped around his muscular upper torso, vaguely reminding her of the pirates on some of the romance novels she'd read.
Her gaze dropped lower. His breeches, snug enough to outline his powerful thighs, tapered down into his black boots rising over his knees.
"You still haven't answered my question, woman," he demanded as his stare swept over her. "What are you doing on my ship dressed so strangely?"
"This is just a dream," she answered. "You were born out of my fantasy."
Captain Hamilton continued to stare at her, his dark eyes conveying his rage. "This is no dream. You are aboard my ship, uninvited." He stormed toward her and grabbed her wrist, dragging her to her feet. "Who brought you here?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," she snapped, wrenching her wrist free of his grip. "You're in my dream so back off, buster."
A look of stunned surprise crossed his face. "How dare you speak to me in such a manner!" He towered over her with his handsome face twisted into a menacing scowl. "I should throw you overboard."
She crossed her arms in front of her. No dream figment was going to intimidate her. "Go ahead, you weasel. I'm not frightened of you."
Hushed gasps echoed through the crowd as his face turned to dark mask of fury. "So you are not afraid," he said in a low, sharp tone. "Let me see if I can make you afraid."
5 Stars: "I was enthralled from page one and finished Pirates of the Mist in one sitting." --Debra Gaynor, Review Your Book
5 Stars: "...a rollicking joy ride of a story, filled with action, deception, sea battles, love, lust, a hot hero, feisty heroine, and did I mention sex? --Susiq2, Ecataromance
Reviewer Top Pick/4.75 Hearts: "The author crosses the t's and dots the i's awarding us with an intelligent and intriguing time-travel novel." --Dee, Night Owl Romance
4 Angels: "Pirates of the Mist is a terrific time travel story that romance readers will enjoy!" --Susan T, Fallen Angel Reviews
4 Hearts: "A stimulating battle of wills where it is hard to tell if they are going to fight or make love and where many times these encounters end in a combination of the two. For adventure and romance, Pirates of the Mist is a story sure to thrill its readers." --Anita, The Romance Studio
Thanks, Tracy!
Would you like the chance to win a copy of Pirates of the Mist? Of course you would! Just drop us a comment, maybe telling us what appeals to you about pirate stories--the men, the adventure, the new lands? A winner will be drawn next Sunday. Good luck!