Erastes has done an interview with Romance at Heart magazine and received a nice review for FROST FAIR:
The historical details are obviously very accurate, you can always picture the nineteen century London in which is set the story, and I bet that you can still follow the steps of Gideon around the city still now and seeing the same view he saw. The nice description of the FROST FAIR, an impromptu fair held on the frozen Thames, is the same you can see in some prints of the time.FROST FAIR was released today, so you can pick up a copy here.

Gideon Frost is willing to do whatever it takes to earn enough money to save the printing shop that was left to him by his father. But when faced with the prospect of having to engage in acts society deems unnatural and the law declares punishable by death, he realized there are limits as to how far he'll go. Then he meets the privileged and handsome Joshua Redfern, the one man who tempts Gideon to break his own rules.***
Joshua Redfern has no title or important relations, but his independent fortune allows him a life that is more than comfortable. And more importantly, it enables him to offer assistance to the unfortunate but beautiful Gideon just when the man needs it most. Joshua realizes his interest in Gideon is far more than charitable, but is the man similarly attracted or merely indebted?
When the Thames freezes over and London hosts the great Frost Fair of 1814, trouble and necessity bring Gideon and Joshua together. But just as ice is destined to eventually crack, will the circumstances break these two men as they learn that life isn't always fair?
Elizabeth Lane received two reviews for THE BORROWED BRIDE from The Good, the Bad and the Unread. Wendy the Super Librarian wrote, "THE BORROWED BRIDE is an emotional read, and Judd is just the ticket for readers who adore haunted, wounded heroes," while Devon said, "The chemistry was good and the tension was involving. I was waiting for that first kiss."
Hot on the heels of her first release, Jennifer Linforth just sold book two of The Madrigals. ABENDLIED, which weaves in Philippe de Chagny's role in The Madrigals, will be a 2009 release. More details to come!
If you have an announcement to make for next week, email Carrie. See you next week...