Sundays on Unusual Historicals mean a guest author spot, and this week we're featuring longtime contributor Christine Koehler as she releases her first book, writing as Isabel Roman. The book is MURDER AND MAGICK, the first in a series called "The Dark Desires of the Druids I," released through Ravenous Romance. Congratulations!
What makes your story an Unusual Historical?
It's unusual in that I borrowed from the Victorian time period, but it's really an alternate universe historical. In my universe, the Spanish Inquisition was replaced by the Great Purification. All people possessing any kind of magick were burned at the stake, any book related to magick was burned with them, and those who survived were scattered across the world.
In present day 1882, Witch Hunters are experiencing a resurgence. Through the usual means: lies and twisting of the truth, fear and superstition, and most of all political power, they've managed to create a superstitious society where magickers are feared and hunted.
What kind of research did you do for this story?
It was actually a lot of fun. There's a lot on the Victorian culture online and in a vast array of books. Once you get started on one topic, it’s easy to jump to others. Very easy. I'd say 98% of what I depict in the culture is true. The other 2% is fictionalized based on my universe.
You have a strong female character, was it difficult to have the hero equally as strong?
Not really. They complimented each other very well. Yes, there was a tendency to have Raven do everything, take all the credit, but Mac was her match in every way. Though not a magicker, he is no fool and can hold his own in any fight.
Will there be any further stories in this series?
YES! I'm working on editing the second book now, The Dark Desires of the Druids II: Sex & Subterfuge. This one takes place in late 1882 Philadelphia. There are cross over characters, but it can stand-alone. I also have two more stories lined up in this series.
What about more Unusual Historicals?
I have a contract with The Wild Rose Press for a werewolf story. It was part of their Got Wolf? Contest (and won first place!). In 1934 Germany, The Arminius Clan is running for their lives. Hitler has just declared himself Führer, the Night of the Long Knives has just shattered what little security Germans have, and the SS are everywhere. Worse yet, the SS has discovered the existence of werewolves and want to create an army of them for the Nazis.
The anthology will be available in June 2009.
Not unusual, but I also have a Civil War story coming out with my Slip into Something Victorian blog group in Summer 2009.
I also have a Wicked Seduction Series set in various time frames where the women set out to seduce the men they want: 1774 Boston, 1810 England, 1918 London, 1932 Hollywood, 1954 Los Angeles, and present day New York.
I've never heard of your publisher, who are they?
They're new, that's true. Ravenous Romance is an e-publisher who just launched in December. Their stories are erotic with strong romantic themes.
How can readers find out more about you?
I have a website and a blog.
Thanks! What to win a copy? Just leave a comment, and I'll randomly draw a name next Sunday. Since all Isabel's stories are downloadable, she can either send you a gift certificate or a burned copy for your reading pleasure. Your choice.

Losing her virginity can mean ruin for a Victorian lady. For Raven Drake, it means freedom to explore her sexuality. As a magicker in hiding, Raven subscribes to her culture’s less prudish philosophy. She wants to experience every erotic sensation imaginable.***
Malcolm, Lord Preston, desires her from the moment he sees her, and doesn't allow society’s rules to stand in his way. More than happy to introduce Raven to the pleasures of sex, he doesn't expect to fall in love with her.
Their tryst is a welcome distraction from witch hunters and political maneuverings. But can it overcome the weight of another man’s ring on her finger?
What makes your story an Unusual Historical?
It's unusual in that I borrowed from the Victorian time period, but it's really an alternate universe historical. In my universe, the Spanish Inquisition was replaced by the Great Purification. All people possessing any kind of magick were burned at the stake, any book related to magick was burned with them, and those who survived were scattered across the world.
In present day 1882, Witch Hunters are experiencing a resurgence. Through the usual means: lies and twisting of the truth, fear and superstition, and most of all political power, they've managed to create a superstitious society where magickers are feared and hunted.
What kind of research did you do for this story?
It was actually a lot of fun. There's a lot on the Victorian culture online and in a vast array of books. Once you get started on one topic, it’s easy to jump to others. Very easy. I'd say 98% of what I depict in the culture is true. The other 2% is fictionalized based on my universe.
You have a strong female character, was it difficult to have the hero equally as strong?
Not really. They complimented each other very well. Yes, there was a tendency to have Raven do everything, take all the credit, but Mac was her match in every way. Though not a magicker, he is no fool and can hold his own in any fight.
Will there be any further stories in this series?
YES! I'm working on editing the second book now, The Dark Desires of the Druids II: Sex & Subterfuge. This one takes place in late 1882 Philadelphia. There are cross over characters, but it can stand-alone. I also have two more stories lined up in this series.
What about more Unusual Historicals?
I have a contract with The Wild Rose Press for a werewolf story. It was part of their Got Wolf? Contest (and won first place!). In 1934 Germany, The Arminius Clan is running for their lives. Hitler has just declared himself Führer, the Night of the Long Knives has just shattered what little security Germans have, and the SS are everywhere. Worse yet, the SS has discovered the existence of werewolves and want to create an army of them for the Nazis.
The anthology will be available in June 2009.
Not unusual, but I also have a Civil War story coming out with my Slip into Something Victorian blog group in Summer 2009.
I also have a Wicked Seduction Series set in various time frames where the women set out to seduce the men they want: 1774 Boston, 1810 England, 1918 London, 1932 Hollywood, 1954 Los Angeles, and present day New York.
I've never heard of your publisher, who are they?
They're new, that's true. Ravenous Romance is an e-publisher who just launched in December. Their stories are erotic with strong romantic themes.
How can readers find out more about you?
I have a website and a blog.
Thanks! What to win a copy? Just leave a comment, and I'll randomly draw a name next Sunday. Since all Isabel's stories are downloadable, she can either send you a gift certificate or a burned copy for your reading pleasure. Your choice.