"Oh, you push it up here,
You pull it down there.
You tighten up the middle till you're gaspin' for air.
Oh, a corset can do a lot for a lady,
Cause it helps to show a man what she's got."

Corsets are typically made of a flexible material, like cloth, and stiffened with boning, also called ribs or stays, inserted into channels in the fabric. In the 19th century, steel and whalebone were favored for the boning. Featherbone was used as a less expensive substitute for whalebone and was constructed from flattened strips of goose quill woven together with yarn to form a long strip.

In the 1830s, the corset was thought of as a medical necessity. It was believed that a woman was fragile, and needed assistance from some form of stay to hold her up. Even girls as young as three or four were laced up into bodices. Gradually these garments were lengthened and tightened. By the time they were teenagers, the girls were unable to sit or stand for any length of time without the aid of a tightly laced corset. The corset deformed the internal organs making it impossible to draw deep breath, in or out of a corset. Because of this, Victorian women were always fainting and getting the vapors.
The practice of tightlacing reached its apex in the 1890s. It was the ambition of most girls to have, at marriage, a waist measuring no more inches than the years of their age--and to marry before 21.

The corset is still very much with us--just open any Victoria's Secret catalog. Women no longer cinch their waists to wasp proportions, but some current practices I could name are just as drastic. What do you think?