Once upon a time, there was a whole genre of fiction decried as trash and pilloried as not worth the time it took to read it.
No, I'm not talking about romance novels.
Penny dreadfuls were published in mid 19th century Britain, and were often called "shilling shockers" and "bloods" and a host of other names. They started around 1830, because Charles Dickens' works were just too expensive for many, at a whole 12 shillings each. Heh. To you and I, the cheap paper and bindings would make them look more like magazines, but to the newly-literate of the day, they were books. Awesome books that they couldn't get enough of.

I love this idea. Love it, love it, love it, especially in the face of those that complain that pure literature is going downhill and evil, mean publishing is throwing to the wolves those that write enduring classics. Seriously. Publishing has always been about giving readers what they want and if "classics" happen to shake out from it, so much the better. But we won't really know what gets classified as a classic until our great-great-grandchildren are in their college level English classes.
Eh, I'm good with that.
For now, I'd much rather poke around what was considered trash more than a hundred years ago.

The only thing that killed the penny dreadfuls and dime novels were even cheaper, trashier stories. In about 1893, a guy named Alfred Harmsworth started publishing story papers for only a half-penny each. Sweet.