You want to learn the latest news, not just the gossip from your neighborhood, but royal proclamations, the date of the next market day, and government edicts both local and national. But printed material is hard to come by and expensive. Plus, you can't read. So, how do you find out the news?
The town crier.

In Britain, town criers were protected by the monarchy, so that they could not be heckled or prevented from doing their job, and in other countries, criers received similar protection, thus ensuring that the news was distributed.
Our modern newscasters are always well-dressed to present an air of authority. But the practice didn't begin with the advent of the newsreel and television. Town criers made sure to dress elaborately to give themselves the same impression of authority. The traditional outfit of the red and gold caped rope, tricorn hat, white breeches and black boots dates to the 18th century--with some regional variations--and many criers enjoyed the magnificent, elaborate uniform of their profession. Even today, there are competitions around the world where criers vie not only for the honor of being the best at announcing the news, but also for the title of Best Dressed Town Crier.