Congratulations to Lindsay Townsend, whose sweet historical romantic suspense novella SECRET TREASURE, set in the Greek Isles just before WWII, is now available as both an audio book! And paired with Lindsey's "Holiday in Bologna," it's also published as an e-book duo called SUMMER DUET. in Here's the blurb:
The Greek island of Rhodes: luxurious and hot, beloved haunt of the Sun God, steeped in the mysteries of the past. In the late 1930s during the gathering storm-clouds of war, it is a dangerous place to fall in love.***When pretty, passionate Eve Burnett meets the darkly intriguing Julio Falcone, she is torn. As a man, Julio is powerfully attractive. As a policeman, he is bound to be a Fascist. Her brother, David, who is missing, is connected to the Greek Partisans who wish to liberate Rhodes from their Italian overlords.
Now, as David appears at their parents' house soon after Julio makes Eve's acquaintance, Eve is compelled to hide her brother and a mysterious gold statuette. The Fascists are looking for him and this secret treasure. Soon, Eve realizes that she may be forced to choose between the man she loves and the ultimate safety of her family.
How many Unusual Historical authors and readers are going to the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention next week? Please check in by letting us know in the comments. And consider stopping by our workshop panel "Beyond Regency and Scotland" on Wednesday, April 28 at 5pm. Moderated by Kristina Cook, who writes Edwardian romances, the panel features Zoe Archer, Blythe Gifford, Jade Lee, Carrie Lofty, Sherry Thomas, and Kensington editor Megan Records. We hope you'll come out to show your support!


Stay with us through the coming weeks when we'll be featuring the best unusual historical authors! Michelle Styles, Blythe Gifford, Ali Katz, and Diane Whiteside will be our guests. Join us!
Have a good weekend! Remember, you don't have to be an Unusual Historicals contributor to submit good news to the weekend announcements. If it has to do with unusual historicals, we'd love to shout it out to the world! Send announcements to Carrie. See you next week...