The Great Fire of London of 1666 was a disaster many historians view as equal parts blessing and curse. In 1666, a conflagration of epic proportion was waiting to happen in a city where fires were common, with major parts of the city already having been burned by six significant fires since the turn of the century.

On September 2, 1666, heat from the ovens at the baker's shop of Thomas Farriner--the King's baker--resulted in a fire in the shop. Sparks ignited the wood frame of Farriner's home on Pudding Lane, and quickly spread to nearby buildings. The origin of the fire was close to the river and near a number of warehouses and shops filled with combustible materials such as hemp, hay, oil, coal, timber, tallow, pitch and alcohol. Following a long, hot summer, the water level of the Thames was very low, and the wind quickly channeled the fire along the dockside wharves toward the city.

By the following morning, the fire had consumed half of London Bridge, and only a fire-break remaining from a previous fire in 1633 prevented the fire from reaching Southwark on the other side of the river. Those fighting the fire began blowing up buildings with gunpowder before the fire could reach them in order to starve the fire into submission. The London population fled to the fields of Moorfields and Finsbury fields, where they gathered to watch the inferno from a safe distance.
Within four days, the Great Fire of London had managed to destroy 80% of the city, eventually burning itself out when it reached the old Roman city walls made of stone, where there was nothing left to feed it. An area of 373 acres had been destroyed within the city walls, and 63 acres were blackened outside the city walls. One sixth of the population of London (100,000 people) were left homeless after 13,200 dwellings were destroyed. Nearly 90 churches were destroyed, including the famous landmark St. Paul's Cathedral. Many people had hidden their belongings in the basement of the cathedral before the flames reached it in the belief that the cathedral would be spared by the fire.

Rumors raged as to the cause of the fire with a pace equal to the speed with which it had consumed the city. Those of French or Dutch heritage were immediately suspect due to the recent wars with England. Others claimed the fire was a Catholic plot intended to punish a Protestant city. Innocent foreigners were attacked by angry mobs in the street who were convinced the fire had been a deliberate act of arson. Speculation led to widespread panic and the fear of a French invasion until King Charles II publicly addressed the crowd of refugees in order to assure them the fire had been the result of an accident.

Although there were only six confirmed deaths attributed to the Great Fire of London, modern historians and archaeologists speculate that the number might more accurately be in the thousands, due to the fact that many of those unaccounted for were the homeless poor. How many remain buried in cellars that were never excavated? The census taken in London in 1673 revealed that 3500 of the rebuilt houses remained unoccupied.
It can always be argued that many of those left homeless by the fire simply moved away and did not return, but when we draw upon a modern example of a tragedy such as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack upon the World Trade Center in New York, only about half of the people lost in that tragedy were physically accounted for; the rest appear to have vanished without a trace. In 1666 London, England, the fate of a property owner would have been commented upon, however not necessarily so the fate of many landless, homeless poor.

Streets were widened, and pavements were added for the first time. New sewers were constructed, replacing the "Fleet" that had previously flowed into the Thames and was nothing more than an open sewer carrying disease and filth. The fire had burned away the slums, killing the bubonic-plague carrying rats that had previously infested the city after one third of the population of London had died from the plague in 1665. The city of London arose from the ashes a cleaner, healthier, more beautiful city.