

Townsend's newest book, with its back-drop of political and religious intrigue and mayhem, delivers a romance not soon to be forgotten. With characters of great depth and emotion, torn between familial responsibilities and their deepening love, this explosive tale will bring joy and fulfillment to readers.A KNIGHT'S CAPTIVE was also chosen among the select band of nominees for the Best Historical Novel category in the RT Book Reviews 2009 Reviewers' Choice Awards, which were chosen this month.
Joanna of Glastonbury, an alchemist, is forced to create gold for an elixir of eternal life to save her father's life as a prisoner of the corrupt Bishop Thomas. To her surprise, she is taken captive by the knight Hugh Manhill when he accosts the bishop in an attempt to ransom his brother, a Templar, from the bishop. After escaping, he and Joanna begin to feel deep emotional desires for each other. Knowing they cannot succeed alone, they join forces to free the prisoners. The stunning climax will bring them peace.


Stay with us through the coming weeks when we'll be featuring the best unusual historical authors! Ali Katz, Diane Whiteside, Isabelle Santiago, and Lindsay Townsend will be our guests. Join us!
Have a good weekend! Remember, you don't have to be an Unusual Historicals contributor to submit good news to the weekend announcements. If it has to do with unusual historicals, we'd love to shout it out to the world! Send announcements to Carrie. See you next week...