A beautiful alchemist and a valiant knight join forces to free their loved ones--and find an explosive passion...***
Desperate to liberate her father who is being held prisoner by the corrupt Bishop Thomas, Joanna of Glastonbury must use her skills as an alchemist to produce an elixir for eternal life. Gold is a key ingredient, and while panning for its rare gleam, Joanna struggles to rescue a boy who is drowning--until a knight comes to her aid. When Joanna lays eyes on the handsome man, a scorching desire is sparked deep within her.
Hugh Manhill is captivated by Joanna's stunning beauty. When he and Joanna discover they share a mutual hatred of the Bishop, they devise a daring plan to save their imprisoned family members. Their common mission strengthens their undeniable bond. Soon, neither can resist their all-consuming passion as they risk all for love...
"Townsend's newest book, with its back-drop of political and religious intrigue and mayhem, delivers a romance not soon to be forgotten. With characters of great depth and emotion, torn between familial responsibilities and their deepening love, this explosive tale will bring joy and fulfillment to readers." Four Stars ~ Kathe Robin, RT Book Reviews
Why do you write?
The purpose of all my writing is to entertain, sometimes to inform, to shock, to move, to carry away the reader, but always to entertain. I want to tell a story as compellingly as possible.

Everywhere! I tend to think in pictures and scenes, as if watching a film. Sometimes a scene comes into my mind and won’t go, so I play with it and start from there.
How do you develop ideas?
I start with a scene, a frozen incident, and work out from it. I develop characters whom I'll enjoy writing about, often with interesting jobs or roles. The heroine in A KNIGHT'S ENCHANTMENT is a female alchemist, one who uses her skills to help herself, her father and the hero. I also like to place my characters in interesting settings and to involve them in a situation that 'stretches' them, causes them to grow in some way.

I try to write every day, scene by scene, jotting down key notes of setting, character, mood and research before I write each one. I research as I go along. But the main trigger is: What if so and so happened? I do this a lot in my historical romances, including my latest, A KNIGHT'S ENCHANTMENT. In this novel I posed myself the question: What if both the heroine and hero had to free their loved ones from an unjust imprisonment? Starting from that point, I went on to ask myself, 'What would happen next?'
What's next for Lindsay Townsend?
I've submitted my next medieval romance to Kensington Zebra and will continue to write high-stakes romance set in the past.
Thanks for stopping by, Lindsay! Readers, if you would like to be entered for a chance to win a signed copy of A KNIGHT'S ENCHANTMENT, please lease a comment for question for Lindsay. What would you love to know about her research into medieval England? I'll draw a winner at random next Sunday. Void where prohibited. Best of luck!