EDITED TO ADD: Sorry! The code could only be used one. Michelle had intended this as a random drawing, which I misunderstood. My apologies for the confusion!

Michelle also has an interview with CataRomance, celebrating the UK release of COMPROMISING MISS MILTON and the US release of AN IMPULSIVE DEBUTANTE.



Carrie's SONG OF SEDUCTION, set in 1804 Austria, has been receiving some excellent reviews. RT Book Reviews gave it four stars, while Book Binge gave it 5/5 and wrote, "[It]...Encompasses everything I find fascinating about musicians and wraps them in a beautiful melody of angst, pain, betrayal, acceptance and love." The best, however, was from Wendy Crutcher at The Misadventures of Super Librarian who wrote a lovely, lovely review about SONG OF SEDUCTION's seductive storytelling: "...As the author peeled back the layers, challenged her characters, revealed more of them, I realized how remarkable this story is. True, unadulterated, pure passion."
And don't forget to become a Facebook fan of Blythe and Carrie as they continue their "Race to 200" contest. Click here for details.
Join us Sunday when Carrie will be here to chat about SONG OF SEDUCTION and give away a signed copy to one lucky commenter! Be sure to join us then.

Stay with us through the coming weeks when we'll be featuring the best unusual historical authors! Laura Navarre, Jack Woodville London, Michelle Willingham, and Moira Rogers will be our guests. Join us!
Remember, you don't have to be an Unusual Historicals contributor to submit good news to the weekend announcements. If it has to do with unusual historicals, we'd love to shout it out to the world! For example, reader Pat Brown currently has three agents looking at her manuscript set in 1929 Los Angeles. Best of luck, Pat!
Send announcements to Carrie. See you next week...