Congratulations to Lila DiPasqua, who debut historical romance, AWAKENED BY A KISS, was released this week by Berkley Sensation. You can read an excerpt here.

Three classic fairy tales--"Sleeping Beauty," "Puss in Boots," and "Little Red Riding Hood"--cleverly retold with enough sensual twists to prove wickedly ever after does exist...***
Sleeping Beau: Five years ago, the notorious rake, Adrien d'Aspe, Marquis de Beaulain, was awakened by a sensuous kiss—and experienced a night of raw ecstasy that was branded into his memory. Years later, he spots his mysterious seductress--and this time, he has no intention of letting her go...
Little Red Writing: Nicolas de Savignac, Comte de Lambelle, has been assigned by the King to uncover the secret identity of the author writing scandalous stories about powerful courtiers. He never expected his investigation would lead to his grandmother's house, or to a ravishing woman who would stir his deepest hunger...
Bewitching in Boots: Elisabeth de Roussel, daughter of the King, is accustomed to getting what she wants--and she wants Tristan de Tiersonnier, Comte de Saint-Marcel, an ex-commander of the King's private Guard. A recent injury has forced Tristan to leave his distinguished position, but Elisabeth is determined to make him see he's every bit the man he once was--and more than man enough for her...

Show me your compass! No member of the Blades of the Rose travels without their extremely important compass, and now it's time for YOU to join this daring band of explorers, scientists and adventurers as they find and protect the world's magic.
Between now and September 7, I want to see you and your compass. Tweet, blog and/or Facebook a photo of you, a compass, and a sign that reads: "Blades of the Rose, coming September 7." One very lucky winner will receive ALL FOUR "Blades of the Rose" novels, signed by yours truly. There may be some extra surprise goodies with the books, too! I will pick a winner at random from all entries.
-- If you tweet the photo, be sure to put @zoe_archer in your tweet
-- If you Facebook the photo, be sure to tag Zoe Archer in the picture
-- If you blog the photo, tag it as Zoe Archer, and please email me the link.
Are you ready to join the adventure?
Stay with us through the coming weeks when we'll be featuring the best unusual historical authors! Donna Russo Morin, Liz Fichera, Susanna Fraser, and Jeannie Lin will be our guests. Join us!
Remember, you don't have to be an Unusual Historicals contributor to submit good news to the weekend announcements. If it has to do with unusual historicals, we'd love to shout it out to the world! Send announcements to Carrie. See you next week...