
Going to California. It's three thousand miles nearer to hell.Karen was also featured this week in an interview on Babbling About Books.
Mountain man Cormack Bowmaker meets up with Zelnora Sparks on the eve of California's great rush--the discovery of gold. Zelnora is fleeing from her mentor, the mighty businessman Brannagh. They are being shadowed by the most scandalous Spanish bandit in the frontier. Joaquin Valenzuela wants to rob them of their gold, but soon discovers a desire for much more. Californians call for the pickled head of Valenzuela in a jar, but his passion for the two Americans overpowers his zeal for mayhem.
They band together in their quest for riches, love, and the good life. Bowmaker is a sharpshooter, his aim true. Valenzuela will slit the throat of anyone who wanders by. Zelnora knows where to find the gold. And Brannagh will do everything it takes to stop them.
They are about to discover the frontier--within themselves.
The final chapter of Michelle Styles's serialized romance, HIS STAND-IN BRIDE, is available now, which means you can read the entire free book in its entirety!

Rome, 68 B.C.***
Valeria's life is in the hands of Piso the Greek--the very man who had risen from a common sailor to wealthy ship owner following their doomed romance. He is the only man brave enough to sail the dangerous seas to Alexandria to reunite Valeria with her missing brother and restore her family's fortune. But Piso demands a high price for his help: Valeria must become his concubine and share his bed once more...



Stay with us through the coming weeks when we'll be featuring the best unusual historical authors! Gillian Bagwell, Stephanie Dray, Laura Navarre, and Beth Elliott will be coming up. Join us!
Remember, you don't have to be an Unusual Historicals contributor to submit good news to the weekend announcements. If it has to do with unusual historicals, we'd love to shout it out to the world! Send announcements to Carrie. See you next week...