George Michael Cohan became the stuff theatrical legends are made of, so it shouldn't be surprising that he instigated a few of those legends, including one surrounding his birth date.

George started in vaudeville, first traveling around the US then preforming on Broadway before making the jump from vaudeville to 'legitmate' stage. In 1899 he married Ethel Levey, a fellow vaudeville singer and comedienne and their first child, Georgette, was born in 1900. In 1907 he and Ethel divorced and George married Agnes Mary Nolan-they had 3 children: Mary, Helen, and George

Some of the most well-known hits from that partnership are I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, Give my Regards to Broadway, Over There, and You're a Grand Old Flag.
The bio-pic Yankee Doodle Dandy, was derived from Cohan's trademark The Yankee Doodle Boy.