In addition, Margaret is over at the Borders blog talking about "All the King's Men" and giving away two copies of KNIGHT OF PLEASURE. Don't miss your chance!
Historical Tapestry said, "The era and location are not usual among historical romance or even historical fiction, and from the first pages, I was immediately swept away," and The Historical Novel Review wrote, "They are memorable for their bravery and resilience with each new trial, but even more for the power of their love. Their story was a great pleasure to read and I highly recommend SCOUNDREL'S KISS."
Through Monday, you have the chance to win a copy at The Historical Novel Review. Just stop by and leave a comment.


And stay with us through the coming weeks when we'll be featuring the best unusual historical authors! Magdalena Scott, Monica Burns, Carrie Lofty, Zoe Archer and will be our guests. We hope you'll join us!
Have a good weekend! Remember, you don't have to be an Unusual Historicals contributor to submit good news to the weekend announcements. If it has to do with unusual historicals, we'd love to shout it out to the world! Send announcements to Carrie. See you next week...